After an initial visit and full health evaluation each weekly clinic visit is strategically scheduled to carefully monitor your progress through the three phases of the HCGPDX Program. 



After your free initial consultation a complete physical exam including comprehensive blood test and lab work helps determine overall health status and likelihood for success as a HCG candidate. 

We look at many different factors such as blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, fat and protein metabolism, thyroid function, electrolytes and additional nutritional components. The reason we do this is to find out if there are any metabolic impediments to be aware of including those perhaps caused by chronic diseases.

When choosing the HCGPDX Program most people are trying to achieve three goals (a) lose weight quickly (b) reset or increase base metabolism (c) maintain the new weight and body composition over time. 

We demonstrate our commitment to help you attain these goals during each of three phases:

  • Phase One (Days 1-2, the "loading" or "gorging" phase): includes HCG and eating plenty of high-fat, high-calorie foods, plenty of water

  • Phase Two (Days 2-30, the "weight loss" phase): includes HCG, following the recommended diet, plenty of water, limited physical exercise

  • Phase Three (Days 30+, the "maintenance" phase): discontinued HCG, healthy diet choices and habits, active lifestyle suggestions