From here on out it's all about energy balance. Adopting a new attitude and lifestyle to maintain hard-won weight loss is the key. Metabolism stays strong through habits like moderate exercise and healthy diet choices.


body composition analysis is proof 

With most patients losing an average of one pound every one to two days, a single cycle on the HCGPDX Program is all that is necessary to quickly achieve their optimal weight.

Results are a factor of a patient's metabolism. In some cases a decision is made carefully under medical supervision that a second cycle is the necessary pathway. Scheduled to start six weeks after the first, the second cycle is structured just as the first cycle (Phase One, Phase Two, Phase Three). 

When completed the things you have learned from the HCGPDX Program positions you for a long-term approach to better your health.

It's important to note that weight maintenance may be easier if you always pay close attention to the types and amounts of carbohydrates and starches that you gradually reintroduce to your diet and that you remain committed to your new lifestyle. Those who log their food intake in a journal or online food tracker are more likely to maintain their weight loss. It can also help to plan ahead for situations that you know will make healthy eating challenging, such as an upcoming travel or vacation. 

Develop exercise habits that provide fun and enjoyment as well as physical endurance. It can be difficult to maintain new habits alone so find a support system, especially if that person is a partner or spouse with similar interests.